Step 1 - Purchase $AVAX

Explains how to purchase Avalanches token $AVAX

1. Find an exchange that supports $AVAX : Bitpanda, Binance,, FTX...

2. Create an account by clicking “Register

Notice that Depending on the exchanges, you will have to make a KYC (Know Your Customer) and different security level (2FA, phone number….) to trade and/or withdraw your coins

3. Make your first fiat deposit or use your credit card to purchase any assets with a “direct buy”.

4. If you choose to deposit FIAT, search for an $AVAX market and trade the suitable cryptocurrency for $AVAX.

You just bought $AVAX, the native Avalanche token on X-chain. /!\ Avalanche supports 3 different chains, the native token is represented by the X-chain. Don’t forget to transfer to your wallet using the right chain.

Last updated